After work everyday, I take the subway across the city, then take a bus uptown to home. I could just stay on the subway, but when I'm not in a hurry, I find that taking the bus is better because you never know what you'll see while staring out of the window, or who you will meet while waiting for the bus to come....
I'm waiting for the bus today, enjoying my daily Starbucks iced coffee (shameless plug, one day someone at corporate will read this blog and thank me with freebies)and pretending not to listen to the red haired 16 year old fighting with her Mom on why she should be allowed to add purple streaks to her bangs, (she had some really good points I might add). My eavesdropping was interrupted by the sounds of loud bass and fabulous beats. The kid driving had his windows down, so all of E 62nd St was able to enjoy his awesomeness together. The guy next to me, who couldn't have been younger than 75, turns to me, and says, "would you care to dance young lady?" After spitting up the ice cube that had become somewhat lodged in my throat when he asked, I replied with, "heck yes I do," and so we did, I even threw in a few robot moves for good measure. His name was Marvin, and he loved life.