
Fire in 1014

Last night was date night, but it was a little more eventful than the norm....Just a few minutes after we arrived back at our apartment, the building's fire alarm began to sound, and our tiny home filled with the smell of smoke. When you live with a ga-million people above you, under you, and across the way from you, these things become common practice, but this was the first time we could actually feel the effects, and were worried. Our door handle wasn't hot, so I opened it, and saw this:

They were running from door to door telling us the fire was on our floor and to stay inside our apartments. We did, but the smell was awful and making us sick.
We leaned out of our windows for air, and this was the view:
It finally got so bad that I opened our door again and a firefighter saw me and told me it was okay to use the back stairs and exit.

It was close to midnight, and all we had grabbed were our phones and 75cents (Scott's doing) so we walked around the grocery store and the island for an hour, in hopes that our apartment would air out and we could return home.

Long story short, our apartment is fine. The neighbor in 1014 burnt their dinner and had a kitchen fire. Thanks guy.



So I have a boyfriend. That's right. Someone other than my husband Scott. His name is Angelo, and we began our romance the day Scott and I moved to Roosevelt Island. I call him my boyfriend, but the truth, really, is that he's just sort of an admirer of the Amy DeVo. He's in his mid fifties and is bound to a wheelchair, as most of the residents in our building are. Whenever he sees me, he waves fiercely and gives me his best smile. However, if Scott is by my side, he glares, crosses his arms, and says/does nothing at all. He's possessive, I get it. The other day, I was up on the 12 floor, where he lives, and where our laundry is located. He wheels past, sees me inside, wheels his quick little chair right back around, and proceeded to do drive bys for the next 5 minutes or so. Finally, he comes back...with a tiny bucket of laundry that he needed to do. What a coincidence. He puts his 2-3 pieces into the machine, then wheels right up next to me. Gotta love his courage. He finally introduced himself to me then, and that's when I learned all about my admirer. His parents left him at birth, when they realized he was severely disabled. He was raised by the state, and now lives in my building, where residents can still receive care from nurses if need be. He gets help with the day to day activities, but really he tries to do as much as he can without others. He wakes up, watches cable (he loves cable), then he wheels around the island and takes in the nature. He made sure to tell me several times that our building is full of gossip but he stays far away from it, because he says that's not what life is for. I then watched him unload his few pieces and move them to the drier. I tried to help him, but he wanted to show me how he could do it. His smile was huge as he showed off his moves. This may be just a cute little story for you, but for me, it reminded me that I complain way too much about my daily business. I am working a ton lately, but at least I can work. My classroom is on the 4th floor and the stairs are a pain, but at least I can climb them. The subways are hot and crowded and sometimes they smell, but at least I can move around the city at will and take it all in. Strangers talk to me way too much in this nutty city, but I need to try and listen more. Maybe they all have something to teach me... Except the guy in Chinatown that is covered in furs and crows like a wild bird when you pass him....his lesson is lost on me.

By the way, this is Angelo. He thinks his profile is his best asset, so that's what I captured. He loves this shot, says it makes him look like a thinker.

CT and a Play

If I waited for Scott to finish his post on pictures from Fl, then this blog might not get updated for quite some time. Therefore, I'm skipping him. Maybe that post will show up later, if he ever gets inspired....

I started work almost immediately after we returned from our vacation. Work took me out to the beautiful state of Connecticut this past week. It was the first time I had ever taken the Metro North train, or been to CT. I don't hate either one.

The houses in Greenwich are beautiful.

Scott woke up before the sun rose the other morning (I know, I'm in shock too) and met up with his buddy Thad. Together they waited for tickets to a play called Hair, which was held in the outdoor theater of Central Park. They got them! Thad's friend Bryce was one of the stars, so it was fun to sip wine out of our plastic cups and watch him do his thing. They don't allow you to take pictures there. People are hired just to watch for law breakers like myself, and if they catch you, they check your camera for the pictures and make you delete them. I got busted, but since my camera is on my phone, I played it off like I was just searching for a signal. Here's my money shots (they are pretty blurry, the guard was right next to us and it made me nervous. No way was he touching my iphone!)