

Amy is mad at me for getting a gig before her in the "industry". Yesterday I went to be an extra in a commercial. That's right my acting career is further along than hers. (who cares I'm not an actor.) As a joke she sent me an ad looking for people who want to be an extra in a commercial. As a joke I responded to the ad and sent my picture. They wrote back.

Soooo I spent my day outside in 20°/20mph wind at The Meadowlands stadium in NJ. I met the bus in midtown Manhattan at 4:30am and they took us to the stadium for our 13 hour call. We shot some outside around the ticket booth and entry gates, some inside the stadium at the concession stand, on the escalator and in the upper deck of the stadium seats. This was the coldest day of my life. I think everyone of the 200+ extras had hypothermia. It had snowed and rained and frozen solid the day before so everything was covered in a shell of hard ice. Fun.

Oh yeah, the commercial is the sequel to the popular "Dude" commercials. You know, the Bud Light ones. This one is for THE SUPERBOWL, or so they told us. Look out for me in the background "acting" like an idiot. Here are some pictures taken from Zany's cell phone.(he went with me.)

Inside the "holding"[locker] room. Those bags on the shelf are full of bagels. One guy ate 6(I counted) and put 4 more in his pockets for later. He was not a clean person in any sense. I noticed that they will let anyone do this as long as they can show up. You had to be at least 25 years old to do this job so you would think that there would be a little maturity present. I felt like I was in middle school. I watched one guy stuff his pockets with 2 entire bags of Milkyway mini's and Kit-Kats. This was right after he dropped his 3rd bagel face down on the ground and proceeded to pick it up and eat it. Add to that 150 snot nosed hands grabbing at the M&Ms and Reeces Pieces. Gross. I skipped the candy.

Out side it was freezing cold. They gave me this sign and a foam finger. Neato.

The view from the seats.

You cant really tell from this picture but all the garbage and crap from Sunday Night football the night before was still there. I couldn't feel my face after about 10 minutes outside. I still have all my toes though.

On the field. They had football players and cheerleaders(brokedown looking actors) filming various things on the field. Not sure why they took us down there because all we did was stand around for 30 minutes and then go back up. This stadium looks better on TV.


MomD said...

So what did they pay? I'll have to watch every commercial now in the Superbowl.

Chad said...