

Kidney failure is the ailment du mois. Last month it was pulmonary issues, or was it heart related? No one can seem to figure it out.

This is how it goes with Wegeners Disease or Wegener's Granulomatosis

A description:
Wegener's is a rare, potentially life-threatening form of inflammation of the blood vessels, called vasculitis.
This inflammation damages the walls of small- and medium-sized arteries and veins. The damage interferes with normal blood supply to nearby tissues, causing tissue in many parts of the body to be injured and destroyed.
Three areas in the body are affected most commonly — the upper airways (including the sinuses, trachea and nose), lungs and kidneys. Kidney damage affects 80% of those with Wegener's, but in many cases, this damage is mild and does not cause any symptoms. In about 20% of people with kidney damage from Wegener's, however, the damage is severe enough to cause symptoms of kidney failure caused by an inflammation of the kidneys. Less predictably, Wegener's granulomatosis involves other organs, including the eyes, ears, skin, joints, heart and nerves.
Although the exact cause of the inflamed blood vessels of Wegener's granulomatosis is unknown, research suggests an autoimmune disorder, an illness in which the body's immune defenses mistakenly attack the body's own cells and tissues. In Wegener's granulomatosis, this misdirected immune attack is aimed at the blood vessels, triggering inflammation and damage.
Wegener's granulomatosis is rare, affecting only 11 in every 1 million people each year in the United States. Although it has been reported in people of all races and age groups, it typically affects middle-aged Caucasians, usually beginning at about age 40 to 50. It is slightly more common in men.

So here it is. This is what he deals with on a daily basis. Whether it be incredibly painful joints that even Vicodin can't relieve or sleepless nights from the pain or regular hospital visits because of "flareups" or failing organs, these are the breaks.

This is the time in your life when you are forced to think about relationships, the future, the past, and the possibilities. The reasons for suffering are unknown to us but planned by the Almighty God. Is it a test? Is it punishment? No. It is simply part of a greater plan. One that started ages ago and has a victorious ending. So, that sounds great and all but what about my father today? What about my mother who loves him? Am I selfish to ask for his recovery because it's what I want?

"God please forget what you had in store and just help him. This is what I think is best and you should do it".

Or rather,

"God I know you know what you're doing. You allowed this to happen. You created pain so that there can be joy and darkness so that there can be light. I give you glory God, no matter what happens. I have given my life my future and everything involved to you. Use it."

Faith can move mountains right? Can my faith cure this disease? Can I have so much faith that God will hear me and reward my faith by curing this disease?


Please pray with me that My dad, Jim DeVore, will be healed and able to live his life normally. Pray for a simple and effective treatment. Pray for the doctors minds. Pray that God will show them something new about this disease. Pray for my mom who is by his side as they wonder what will happen.



Anonymous said...

Know that we will put your mom and dad (and you and your brothers) in our prayers and share this request with our praying friends. Take comfort in knowing that if you must be in anothers hands, God's hands are the most comforting of all. His hands formed the universe from the void and His hands are guiding your family this very minute. Larry

Anonymous said...

We will certainly remember your parents in prayer. Thank you for posting this blog with such good information. Your prayer is heartfelt, and we can be assured that the Lord hears you and will provide. It's good ya'll are coming home soon.
Love, Annella & Hank

Anonymous said...

You and your family are in our thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Dear Scott,
Your dad (& entire family) will be in our prayers and on our prayer list at church. The Lord is with you at all times.
We're looking forward to seeing you at Christmas.
With much love,

MomD said...

Dad and I love you so much, Sweetie. Thanks for posting this and for your loving prayer. Can't wait to see you & Amy. Praying for good news today from the results of the biopsy that will determine our future.

Thank you, everyone, for your prayers.

Kallie Brynn said...

We're praying for your father and your family. Love.

Anonymous said...

Amy and Scott,

Linda sent me the link to your blog and I read about Wegener's.I picture Jim in my mind because I was sent pics from your mariage. I wish all of you and Jim the best.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the words you shared about your dad. His giving spirit and smiling face has made us all richer for knowing him. I will be praying with you that he is totally healed and his life will be a trophy for God's power. Love you guys...Jake