
Amy and Kate

Kate, from the show Jon and Kate plus 8, was making an appearance on the same block as my job (W57th st). I went down to meet her and try and make her laugh, and the picture that resulted makes us both appear as hot messes, but still. It's the experience that counts, right? She was really sweet and her crew was equally easy going as well. It was, all in all, a pretty decent 30 minute escape from work. Thanks Kate!


MomD said...

So now you're ready to have your 8, right? Did she give you any advice? She always seems so calm, and she looks much thinner in this pic than on TV! What did you say to make her laugh? Were the kids there?

Anonymous said...

I love how you can just leave for 30 minutes and go see celebrities. Ridiculous.

~Amy (Buck) DeVore~ said...

No it was super quick and I said something about her being stinkin funny and that I slap my husband too....ha. She was very skinny-but she did get to have that tummy tuck on one of those episodes. Lucky. No kids were there that day-bummer-they are so beautiful!