
Hello Goodbye

My Dad and Louise were in town last week, but I just realized that I have zero pictures of our time together. They stayed in the hotel that connects to the school I teach at, so I was able to see them on my breaks and in passing, which was very nice. They took us to several amazing dinners, places that we had never been to (though I hear you can eat at a different restaurant in NYC every night for 5 years and still not tried them all here), and I showed them Coney Island. It's a fun place, but I have to give props to FL as the beaches here don't even begin to compare to back home. I cried when I got into my taxi the night before they left town, but that's no surprise-I'm a Daddy's girl and am ridiculously attached.

On another note, this is our last week living in Spanish Harlem! The movers come on Tuesday and Scott and I will come back to get the little things the following day. By this time next week, we should be all settled in! No more 6 flights to walk up just to get to our front door, no more "hey ladyyyyyy hey" or "ju wanta my jacket lady?" (as he giggles and winks while riding by on his bike) or my favorite, the man who stands on the corner and just simply states "yes" as I walk past him every morning. It's no wonder I arrive at work every day feeling like I'm the hottest piece alive.

The blogging might be slow for the next week as we get situated, but check back soon for pictures of our new home all set up!


Chad said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAH....I can totally see that old guy on the corner just simply saying "yes" each morning. That is freaking awesome.

HARVEY'S said...

Good luck with the move hope all goes well. Can't wait to see pictures!!!

MomD said...

So glad you don't have to listen to that stuff from strangers anymore, but tell Scott he can start saying all those things to keep up your self-esteem. :)