
Careful, the beverage you're about to enjoy is extremely hot.

Well, thanks to strange sleep habits and schedules I have started drinking coffee. I was never really into it before but now I am dicovering a whole world of possibilities. Starbucks is very convenient here in the city. There are about 300,000 of them throughout. Did you know you can buy their coffee to make at home? Ah yes. Frequently there is the aroma of fresh brewed Italian Roast Extra Bold Starbucks coffee in the apartment. I even have my special oversized 20oz. mug to drink from. I being the wannabe chef guy(whatever) that I am made myself some sugar syrup to sweeten it with, though most of the time I like it plain black. If anyone has any reccomendations for good coffee brands, flavors, etc., I want to hear them. Leave a comment.


Jim and Lauren said...

I love Starbucks...it has made me very picky. I can no longer drink anything else. Although at Jims office they brew Barneys. It is vert good as well, they have really good favors, like cinnamon butter cookie, and santas white christmas, hazel hut, irish cream, vanila cream, sweet dreams, ya theres alot those are my favorite. Any ways I get to see you soon. Hey we also have a blog http:/szalay1107.blogspot.com/

MomD said...

The very best Starbucks is Cinnamon Dolce Crème. Um um um um um. But I'm thinking I'd like to try their Orange Crème Frappuccino because I always liked Creamsicles when I was a child. Did you ever have one?
P.S. I now have the best guacamole recipe ever! BJ stole it from a restaurant on the San Antonio River Walk. And I never even liked guacamole before. I'll give it to you when you come down. But it's a secret. ;)

Anonymous said...

Your website, photos, and stories, just get better and better! Sorry for my lack of communication lately! Weird things in the world of Lauren.