

It's a funny feeling you get when the power goes out like it did here today. You're not sure if it's gonna be a short little event or if it's gonna last a while. You start to think about the food you have that will last, how long your cell phone charge is good for, how hot it is outside. Hearing the sirens outside from police makes you wonder if this is citywide and if something has happened. Where are all my flashlights? Do I have any candles? Maybe I won't have to go to work tomorrow. We've all been there before. Somehow it's different when your in a place as dense as NY. Anyway, it turns out that it was nothing major and power was restored in about an hour. So, it's back to running the AC at 65 and standing in front of the fridge pointlessly with the door open.

1 comment:

MomD said...

...and standing in front of the fridge pointlessly with the door open.

Now that's the boy I know. :)
Always have a jigsaw puzzle to pull out for when the power goes out, and next time, know where your candles & matches are. Just in case. Good to have a jug of water or two hidden away too (for drinking & flushing). This is knowledge from hurricane country, you know.

From my Google news headlines: "A power outage darkened a large swath of Manhattan and the Bronx on Wednesday, knocking out traffic lights, cutting subway service and forcing the evacuation of the Metropolitan Museum of Art on one of the hottest days of the year." http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,287032,00.html