
Who's getting an iPhone?

Not me. I'll wait for the revised 2.0 version. The one where they fix the screen and the battery and the memory. Oh yeah and when it doesn't cost $600!!

There are people who have been waiting in line since Monday outside the 5th Ave. Apple store here in NY. It's on the news, in commercials, online, and yes, here in my blog.

2nd guy in line(skinny clean cut nerdy guy) - "I am waiting here in line to get one of the first iPhones so that we[some charity] can auction it off and raise money for our charity."

1st guy in line(fat bump on a log w/ "little spinning disks for pupils" has been there since Monday) - "I just can't wait to get my new toy!"

I hope it doesn't let you down "1st guy".

Nothing says "I've never kissed a girl" like camping outside the Apple store for a week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, awesome. i was going to call you to try and make you take pictures outside the store with the glass cube. i agree fully with you that this first one will have major problems, just like every other apple product. the second one will be awesome, but i would never pay $600 for something that I would somehow lose, break, or drop in water.

- david